Why hiring freelancers helps your start-up grow

As a start-up, you need every advantage you can get if you want to carve out your own space in your niche. This is even more relevant in the early stages of a new business when you’re on a tight budget. 

Setting up your development team is a critical area but one where you’ll need to take advantage of every cost-saving opportunity possible. You’ll need to find a financially viable means of getting your product to market, balancing the quality of work with how much you spend on it. 

You could hire your own in-house development team to work on your project. However, this can come at a very substantial and even unsustainable cost for a start-up.

In this article, we’ll explore the advantages of finding a more cost-effective way of achieving the high quality you’re after —hiring a freelancer.

1. Freelancers get to work fast!

One of the key advantages of working with freelancers is that you skip all the traditional recruitment and onboarding processes associated with employees. Instead, a freelance developer gets to work on your project immediately after you brief them. 

This greatly reduces the amount of ramp-up time between getting a freelancer onboard and work commencing. And that means less spent on labor costs – which could be a critical advantage if you need your product on the market as fast as possible.

2. Freelance developers help take the pressure off start-ups.

Another benefit that comes with skipping the standard HR processes by hiring freelancers, is you spend less time and resources on each one. According to the Society of Human Resource Management, the average new hire incurs an expense of $4,129. It also takes 42 days to fill a new position. 

This is time and money you could use towards growing your business. It’s also time and money that you’ll save by going with a freelance developer for your projects.

3. Start-ups can save money with freelancers.

Hiring an in-house development team can involve buying equipment, setting up workspaces and investing in employee benefits. Freelancers don’t need any of those.  They have their own equipment to work with and they take care of their own medical and insurance needs. It’s clear that in this area alone, freelancers are already far more cost-effective.

However, your start-up stands to save even more money by taking advantage of differences in regional pay standards. If you’re hiring from a country with a very high cost of living, developers will demand an equivalent salary. By opening up your company to freelancers from lower-cost countries, you can get the same quality of work at a much lower price.

4. There are great tools to work productively with freelancers.

Even if you’re convinced by the convenience and lower costs of freelancers, you might still wonder about the difficulty of finding the best freelancers and managing your projects with them.

However, freelancers stand to make up more than half of the U.S. workforce by 2027. As such, many tools are already available to source the best freelance talent and manage your projects with them.

One of the best tools for hiring and managing freelance software developers is Devlynk! Our platform connects you with the best talent for the job, linking you with freelance bidders through your hiring ads, and allowing you to evaluate each freelancer on the system in detail. 

Devlynk also allows you to monitor your project status with built-in messaging, project tracking and file management features. And once the work’s done, you can test the output to your satisfaction and pay through a secure portal.

Ready to get started? Head to our site now and publish your hiring ad on our platform for free!